3.4 Forms


Last Update 3 years ago

The forms section is the section where you can create a form to collect information from your customers.

You can create a form to collect information from your customers on the website. 

Before creating this form you need to plan first what information your customer needs to fill out. For this tutorial, we make an example to create Agent Form.

Here's a step to create form:

1. Write Form Name

2. Select Status Form

3. Select Type form

4. The menu title must be the same as the form name

5. Select the location of this form in the menu

6. Start creating your fields form

7. Select Text Field

8. Rollover Text field and press the "pencil" icon

9. Replace Label, Class, and Name

10. Press close

11. Repeat for next field

12. When everything is ready in the form, you can press Publish

Video Tutorial

Here is the example of usage

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