3.1 Shop > Coupons

Coupons, Discounts, Offer


Last Update 3 years ago

Coupon section is the section for you to generate discounts for your customers.

This is best when you have a sale or a list of customers who can claim a discounted price.

Use this function if you would like to generate coupons for your customers and offer discounts on products of your choice.

The function of each command are as follows:-

1. Coupon Code
This is where you name your coupon code to be given to your customers. Example: FIRST LAUNCH, OCTOBERFEST, EARLY BIRDS

2. Max Uses
The limit set to the total amount of times this coupon can be used.

3. Limit Per Order
The amount of times a single customer can use said coupon.

4.Enable on (UTC)
Enable the date allowed for this coupon to be activated.

5. Disable On (UTC)
Disable the date allowed for this coupon to be activated.

6. Coupon Type
The type of coupon you wish to apply for the purchase.

7.  Reduction Amount
The amount of discount you would like to apply to the Coupon.

8. Apply Coupon to whole order
Set so the coupon will be discounted to overall charge of the purchase

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